Fastcharger - Calipatria - Sun Community Federal Credit Union

This AFDC id was formerly assigned to the Sun Community Federal Credit Union branch in El Centro: Fastcharger - El Centro - Sun Community Federal Credit Union

I don't know if this means that install was canceled, or whether this is a simple paperwork error.

Anyway, as I was snooping around the Plugshare map, I found this interesting item:


It's always interesting to see the regular pattern of lots when you observe this region of the country from above. Each of the squares is a half mile by a half mile (0.25 square miles each).

When I zoomed in, I noticed that the green boxes I've highlighted were all solar farms. Out of the 118 or so lots in this picture (not counting the 8 allocated to the town of Caliptaria itself), 13 of them them (3.25 square miles, or about 11%) are dedicated to solar. Pretty cool to see a certain percentage of the land being dedicated to that purpose. And some of the agricultural lots appear to have shade structures erected...those could probably benefit from agrisolar structures instead!

Not a lot of this area is covered by Google street view, but there is one section that I found that is:
