EA housekeeping (or something) in progress


Staff member
Aug 15, 2021
EA has certainly been making my life busy recently!

They have been doing some kind of housekeeping (or something else) with their AFDC entries. They will delete around 80-100 each day, only to add them back in the next day.

Normally when a site is removed from AFDC, it's either because the site has been removed (this is the obvious reason) or it's closed/unavailable (there is a way to mark sites as temporarily closed in AFDC--I don't know why providers feel the need to delete their entry altogether). Anyway, my nightly scans pick up on this and remove the AFDC tag from my database, leaving an "orphaned" site. I normally check on these sites to see if I can find evidence that they have been permanently or just temporarily closed (and in some cases, they actually remain open--this happens a lot with ChargePoint stations where the site host has terminated their relationship with ChargePoint, but the station still remains operational--at least until something breaks on it!) This does take time to research (many times I have to hop into the network's app because they don't offer a convenient & reliable web solution).

One outcome of this is that I wind up with a huge number of sites in my backlog to check in on, which because of the transient nature of the EA sites I'm not going to check in on until this EA activity ceases. This means that there may be some sites which have closed that I will not be marking as such for the time being. I doubt this is a huge deal because these tend to mostly be old Harley dealerships and such as opposed to more active and useful sites, but I wanted to give you all a heads up on that.
This activity has continued even now, and I've noticed that some stations are making their second or third trip through the "removal + add" cycle. I have no idea what they are doing, but I finally had enough and have updated my daily scrape of the AFDC database to ignore EA station removals, at least for now. I may potentially miss any true permanent closures of EA sites, but I don't actually expect this. Once things settle down I'll re-enable it.

Putting a pause on this will allow me to start working a pretty large backlog of about 200 stations that are now "missing" from AFDC. Many of these are EA sites that I expect will be re-added in a day or two, but I've found many legitimate closures that have slipped through the cracks as a result of this. You may have noticed a large number of Harley-Davidson sites being marked as Permanently Closed. It seems that ChargePoint is doing some maintenance on their network and removing sites that are no longer believed to be active (most aren't, but there are a few that apparently still work). This process may take a few days to get through.
As of this week, Electrify America has apparently finally stopped whatever it is they were doing. I am now seeing only a few EA site deletions in AFDC (that are probably legitimate deletions). Once I get fully caught up I will process those.

It's a complete mystery to me what EA could possibly have been doing, but I am glad that they have stopped!
It seems that ChargePoint is doing some maintenance on their network and removing sites that are no longer believed to be active (most aren't, but there are a few that apparently still work). This process may take a few days to get through.
There are old 24kW (and CPE100) hardware in the wild that dont really 100% work. Often times have difficulty working with phone activation, but work better with rfid card. Others timeout and then charges for free. Some of them dont like certain vehicles. Other were the old site BMW ChargeNow previously by EVgo units that CP took over.