Large number of upcoming "closures"


Staff member
Aug 15, 2021
I have shifted from doing development on the more user-facing sections of the site to the admin-facing sections, both to simplify database management, but also to add some functionality to enable me to do some housekeeping.

To which, I have 140 or so sites which have been pulled from AFDC over the past 18 months that were initially inconclusive as to whether they were still up or not (many times it's obvious, but other times, not so much). To date I have put these on the back burner with the intent of going back at a later date and checking on them, but I didn't really give myself an easy way to do that. Until now. I've added some more tools and some indicators that show how long it's been since I've last checked on sites (so I can focus on which ones I haven't checked on in awhile).

As a result, I am now going through and cleaning out some of these older entries that are listed as OPEN but which are probably closed. You will probably notice a lot get added to the Permanently Closed category in the coming days.

I just wanted to give you a heads up that there's not some massive outage occurring, it's more just a case of getting caught up. It's likely these have been closed for months.
I have got caught up on reviewing the 140 or so sites that had been pulled from AFDC. I'm down to 64 which I would still consider operational, and now will put those on a rotating schedule for review. The rest have been dispositioned to at least Temporarily Closed, but most were Permanently Closed.

Next up will be to start to tackle the large number of sites that have been "Planned" (or even "Construction") for very long periods of time. Anyone is welcome to help me with this by checking out the bottom of the Charts page. I do realize that right now it would be hard to get a fix on where exactly some of these stations are based just one the name (although some are descriptive enough), so I will see if I can put a link to the map pin on those site names (which would also lead you to the forum thread) to help with that.